Do you want to try hypnotherapy and regression therapy?
Hypnosis is a state of wakefulness and sleep.
Hypnosis is an active state in which
your consciousness is awake
but the body is in complete relaxation.
There is no one who can put someone else in hypnosis
without the person's permission.
A large misconception is that you can get
a person to do things against their
will in hypnosis, which is wrong.
You can never get anyone to do anything
that goes against the person's will.
All hypnosis is self-hypnosis.
I use my voice to help you to sink yourself in hypnosis
you will experience a feeling of mental
and physical relaxation during hypnosis.
In a relaxed state you come into contact
with your emotional blockages
that affects your daily life negatively
and consequently can find solutions to these.
Hypnosis is an effective method
for e.g. weight loss, smoking,
and anxiety problems, low self esteem, phobias etc.
It is also an excellent tool
to come to a deeper understanding of yourself.
Events from the past life seem to be within us all.
Through regression you can go back
and see what happened in past lives.
This way you also get insight into
what may be causing your problems.
The regression can sometimes release current symptoms.
Some of the past is reflected in our lives.
For example, a person may seem familiar to you,
even if you do not know him from before.
Or a country and culture attracts you
much but you do not know why.
You may also feel unexplained fear
or loathing of anything
but can not remember how it started.
To go back to a past life is much simpler
than what the general public thinks.
In a regression therapy I led you to
during deep relaxation
back to memories of the past.
Memories come in the form of images and emotions.
During the treatment we will have a dialogue
where you tell me what you experience
and I lead you by asking questions
based on what you tell me.
We have all lived many lives before this.
Therefore, one can make as many regressions any time.
A session takes about 1.5 hours
and then we also talk before
and after the regression.
We have time to work through some experiences from your past life.
The actual hypnosis takes c. 45min-1hr
You need no previous experience of hypnosis
to experience past lives.
Regression therapy can also be done via Skype.
You can download the program for free.
You'll also need a webcam,
Headphones with Microphone
and a peaceful place to relax.
Regression treatments are not recommended for minors
or people with severe mental health problems.
If you are taking medication or have
received other instructions from your doctor,
I ask you to inform about it before treatment begins.
Hypnosis does not replace traditional medical care,
but should be seen as a complement to it.
You will find the prices from the price list -page.
Please contact and make an appointment: anneli @